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HP-T type ATC chain is based on the HP type with steel tool holder. The inner diameter of the pin is tapered and a retaining function is installed on the pin.
Economical: Additional installation of the tool holder is not necessary.
Accurate holding: As the tool holder is combined with the chain, backlash is reduced.
Compactness: Pin outer diameter and link plate width are smaller than those of HP type.
1) U.S. Tsubaki standardized ATC chain is designed with pull stud, key, number plate and plastic sleeve. An engineering plastic sleeve is fitted to prevent contact with the metal taper parts and protect the shank from being scratched.
2) Attachment chains other than the listed ATC chain line-up are also available to satisfy your special requirements.
ATC Chain HP-T Type
ATC Chain HP-T Type - 2
Unit of Measure
Items ATC Chain HP-T Type
ATC Chain HP-T Type
ATC Chain HP-T Type
ATC Chain HP-T Type
ATC Chain HP-T Type
ATC Chain HP-T Type
ATC Chain HP-T Type
ATC Chain HP-T Type
ATC Chain HP-T Type
ATC Chain HP-T Type
Shank Number N/A 40 N/A 40 N/A 50 N/A 50 N/A 50
Chain Pitch_SYN N/A 3.543 in N/A 3.937 in N/A 5.118 in N/A 5.512 in N/A 6.299 in
Roller Diameter_SYN N/A 2.362 in N/A 2.362 in N/A 2.362 in N/A 3.228 in N/A 3.228 in
Roller Width_SYN N/A 2.362 in N/A 2.362 in N/A 2.362 in N/A 3.228 in N/A 3.228 in
Link Plate Thickness_SYN N/A 0.157 in N/A 0.157 in N/A 0.157 in N/A 0.248 in N/A 0.248 in
Link Plate Height_SYN N/A 3.288 in N/A 3.288 in N/A 3.288 in N/A 4.252 in N/A 4.252 in
d N/A 1.750 in N/A 1.750 in N/A 1.750 in N/A 2.750 in N/A 2.750 in
L1 - MAS N/A 1.722 N/A 1.722 N/A 1.722 N/A 2.427 N/A 2.427
L1 - ISO (A) N/A 1.693 N/A 1.693 N/A 1.693 N/A 2.421 N/A 2.421
L1 - ISO (B) ANSI CAT N/A 1.693 N/A 1.693 N/A 1.693 N/A 2.569 N/A 2.569
L2 - MAS N/A 2.073 N/A 2.073 N/A 2.073 N/A 3.242 N/A 3.242
L2 - ISO (A) N/A 2.244 N/A 2.244 N/A 2.244 N/A 3.051 N/A 3.051
L2 - ISO (B) ANSI CAT N/A 1.811 N/A 1.811 N/A 1.811 N/A 2.628 N/A 2.628
Weight_SYN N/A 4.200 lb N/A 4.400 lb N/A 8.400 lb N/A 8.600 lb N/A 9.000 lb
Extracting Force N/A 40 to 62 lb N/A 40 to 62 lb N/A 40 to 62 lb N/A 77 to 99 lb N/A 77 to 99 lb
Information N/A The HP-T series is the hollow pin type chain complete with tool holder. Since the chain can bend backward, freedom of layout is exceptional, and a large number of tools can be held in a small space. Tools are held on the pitch line of the chain providing extra stability.
Hollow pin type chain is also available upon request, and can be supplied with plastic pots.

1. If the extracting force required is large, please consult U.S. Tsubaki. 5. Refer to page B-89 for key and number plate dimensions.
2. Chain weight less pot shows for MAS standard. 6. Shanks No. 45 and 60 are also available upon request.
3. Chain pitches different from those above are also available.
4. The minimum chain pitch that can be manufactured is:
Shank No. 40: P = 3.543 inch
Shank No. 50: P = 4.921 inch
5. Shanks No. 45 and 60 are also available upon request.

Safety device for HP-T type chain (optional)
In the case of horizontal drive HP-T type chain (with tools vertically suspended), we can provide the tool holder with an optional safety device.
The safety device prevents the tool from falling out of the tool holder during operation.

Note: The safety device is not available for Shank No. 40. Instead, we suggest using a higher tool extraction force.
Pushing the safety device pin by the cylinder easily releases the tool from the retention knob by spring force.